Julian's Jabberings

Books reviews, current events, and other musings

Monday, November 01, 2004

Electoral predictions

After reading the electoral predictions other bloggers made, it sounded like a fun game to play. When I was on the treadmill at the gym, these numbers popped into my head:

  • Presidency: Kerry 52% & 330 EV, Bush 46% & 208 EV
  • Senate: 49 D, 49 R, 1 I, 1 runoff
  • House: 218 D, 216 R, 1 I
This may just be optimism, but here are my rationales:
  • The polling samples are overly Republican.
  • In 2000, Gore did a few percent better than the latest polls, and Bush did a little worse.
  • Liberal are angry and motivated to vote.
  • Undecided voters tend to vote for the challenger.
  • The 2004 election is like 1994 in reverse, with a significant under-the-radar shift in voting patterns.
Mr. Liberal (mentioned by MyDD) came up with similar predictions based on a more knowledgeable analysis. Anyway, we'll find out tomorrow (hopefully) how accurate we are.


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